First of Everything

Today's been interesting & fun.

It was my first time having lunch at Menya (Japanese restaurant at Melbourne Central) and boy was my tummy and taste buds satisfied.
It was my first time doing homework + a little bit of book-flipping studying in Melbourne Uni library. When I took a step into the building, my lips curled to form --> D: yeaaaaa... That library is so damn pretty and quiet, you could hear a pin drop. I actually finished all my homework, surprisingly, and learned a few things, which was another surprise. I think doing work in M.U library motivated me a little to do better, so that I'll get a spot in Melbourne University *fingers & toes crossed*

Rise of the Planet of the Apes (what a long title...) is actually a good movie. It definitely stirred a few emotions in me, plus, I was caught grabbing Joey's hand 1/4 of the time. haaaaa i'm such a wuss. The visual effects team did an awesome job. Those apes actually look real, well to me they did. You could see them wrinkles CLEARLY, and the fine or rough facial hair sticking out of their faces. just amazing.

"Come home with me please, Caesar."
'Caesar is home.'


Tomorrow will be the day when I get my results back.
Tomorrow will be the day when my heart races.
Tomorrow will be the day that changes everything.

whoa whoa Jamie... dramatic much? But yes, it'd change everything..... Uni accounting D:

Stop being blue on a Monday!