
I realise how difficult it is to think of and write up a good, long post. The last post that I wrote is nearly a month ago.. shows how efficient I am ey? It's not like I don't want to update this space. It's just that whenever I have an idea in my head, it doesn't seem impressive or it disappears when I'm about to press the Start Up button on my laptop. hahaha so much for making a point of blogging every week!

We're on a 2 week holiday right now! This break is very much needed as I'm running out of motivation/inspiration(not that I have much to begin with). I've been surviving on less than 6 hours of sleep almost every weekday. Wake up at 7 30am, get home at 5 30pm. That's 10 hours of being in school. Man, that sounds daunting. BUT! Friends and school activities keep me going. Internal assessments(sex hehehe) aren't that bad as well, though I get extremely affected emotionally which indirectly affects me physically when I'm stuck with shit results.
I guess the only subject that I'm confident[?] in is ESL. Maybe Chemistry? Not Methods or Specialist Math since Spesh raped me in the butt a few weeks ago. Physics and I are on completely different pages although I have a really good teacher. We'll see how term 2 goes. *Please treat me well*

AND AND! Holidays = chilling = going out = sleepovers = shopping = food = coffee = movies! ♥  

Cherry Jade Faye Jamie the mermaids.

Faye, Kelly and I went to catch The Hunger Games on the 2nd last day of the term. Faye cried twice, I was gasping, Kelly didn't understand some parts because she didn't read the book. I LIKED THE MOVIE A LOT! I'd definitely watch it again but the tickets cost a bomb :( 



HEHEHE. Here's a video clip of what we got up to while waiting for the movie :)
Check out that epic turn the 3 of us did at the end of the clip. It was such a coinkydonk.

I tried uploading it directly from my laptop before but IT DIDN'T WORK! Got me really worked up so I recorded it from my iPhone and transferred it to my laptop. If this doesn't work, I don't know what will. PLEASE WORK! I SINGLE-HANDEDLY COMPILED 2 VIDEOS INTO 1 AND I'M REALLY PROUD OF IT BECAUSE THIS IS THE FIRST VIDEO THAT I'VE EVER MADE! 

OH! I don't think I've blogged about sexy Adam's 18th! I'm most prolly stealing his idea for mine :P It was a rather intimate affair; performances & speeches by his loved ones. A wee bit of tears here and there. NA JOKES, no one cried. Well actually I did.. or did I? ;)

Happy belated birthday man :)

Daniel Loke : a Melbournian YouTube singer who's really really really talented.
Ladies' man.

Milz, Viv, Kellogs.
With my girlies :D

We baked cupcakes for him during the day :)

Also, Multicultural Day! My very last one actually. I wanted to wear my baju kebaya but little did I know, I forgot to put it into my luggage in December. haa. So I ended up borrowing a sarung from Cheryl and wore a top with it. It was absolutely FREEZING & WINDY on that day. I wanted to tank the cold by not wearing a cardigan but I was shaking my tits off. I performed too :) I'm glad I did it in the end. I pulled out initially because I couldn't be stuffed rehearsing since they practised after school and I have studyhall then. But yeah, it was mad fun! I honestly wouldn't mind doing it again. 

Boys who sucked but rocked it in the end under Dinisha's guidance. 

Bi Jun, who bravely shaved her head for Shave For A Cure. She was a Shaolin Monk. HIYAAAA!
Frikkin Quang(guy at the back) is such a creep in this photo.

Hunchback of Notredame hahaha :D

Hoda = persian.

We chilled at a Fish & Chips restaurant after school. 

Love his enthusiasm

SAME PANTS! D: Coinkydonk #2
I'm off now. Hopefully I'll stick to my plan of blogging every week, although highly unlikely. 
Have an awesome week & month :)