Last Day of a Year 11-er

Last Friday marked the last day of school, for the year 11s. It didn't seem like it was the last day though somehow.. OMGAH YEAR 12 NEXT YEAR! wait, why am I thinking of the extra amount of pressure that I have to cope with next year when exams are starting on Monday? *gulp*

And here I am, thinking of things to do after exams. *automatically switches to the relax mode and then panic mode* D:

Here are some pictures that I or someone else who used my camera took :)


Gingerbreadman/woman that Ms. Gardener (ESL teacher) gave. So nice of her!

ESL class.


The lame jokers who never fail to put a smile on my face.


Chrisdan and Nick!

eric *salutes*

ze back rowers.

Mr. Stokes (Methods)

Boys who took my camera.



hahahaha i'm smiling, looking at these pictures. aits i'm tired. GOODNIGHT EVERYBODAI